At Avalanche Science Guides, our vision is to provide the BEST SCIENCE-BASED programs, where people have the skills and education to go places they never thought possible.
With headquarters in Boise, Idaho, our classes are designed to empower you to navigate backcountry avalanche terrain safely and with confidence. Our guided backcountry trips worldwide are focused on mountain safety education and riding SEXY lines.
Avalanche Science courses are endorsed by AAA (American Avalanche Association).
Avalanche courses + guided trips:
ASG can take you to the best powder skiing
Locations and dates of courses are carefully selected to offer course participants with the best snow and riding conditions. Our unique small class size allow us to provide a unique personalized learning experience and easily satiate your hunger for high quality backcountry touring.
PBS Terra Documentary of Avalanche Science Research at Mores creek Summit
Go to 4:10 minute mark for the start of Avalanche Science and BSU research activities at Mores Creek Summit

Boise Weekly
Excerpt: Rodriguez's commitment to both educate backcountry users and protect his favorite places remains steadfast.
"Just leave the place better than it was before," he said, noting the fragility of backcountry access. "Can you imagine if we all do that?"
French TV: Islande, Echappées Belles
Excerpt: Santiago Rodríguez, designed a microwave radar for avalanche detection that was installed this winter at the Arcalís station.

Avalanche Science LLC Headquarters
951 E Front St
Boise, Idaho 83712
Avalanche Science LLC operates under special use permit with the Boise National Forest.
Avalanche Science LLC is an equal opportunity provider.
To file a complaint alleging discrimination visit: http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html