Pyrenees Avalanche Science PRO1+
Avalanche Science PRO1 +
Snow Technician Course (Curso de Tecnologo Niveo)
Course Outline:
1) SWAG nomenclature, stability tests, and observations recording of avalanches, test results, snowpack, snow, and weather.
2) Risk Assessment: Avalanche Conceptual model, AM/PM Operational forms, Job Hazard Analysis, IEC/DIS 31010.
3) Snow Technician. Advanced metamorphism, snow instrumentation (temperature, density, crystal identification, and dielectric measurements). Advanced Topics; snow metamorphism and fracture mechanics.
3) Professional Avalanche Rescue.
4) Field and classroom testing: Multiple victim rescue, Avalanche Path Characteristics, Avalanche Classification, AM/PM forms, Snow Pit craftsmanship and profile recording, stability tests, weather observations, SWE measurements.
Avalanche Level 1 and 2 or equivalent regardless of country of origin.
Professional membership at Avalanche Organization, Mountain Guiding Association, or Ski Organization.
Two years of field observation and recording of snow profiles. Provide a sample of field notes with snow profile or a letter of recommendation from Avalanche Professional.
6-day, 50 hours course taught in Spanish.
Tavascan, Spain
Chago Rodriguez (AAA Certified Instructor, AAA PRO Instructor)
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